Archives For Sotiris


For some time now I have researched and read about KEFIR and the health benefits associated with it. I have always known the importance of good gut flora for overall health but I struggled with the idea of adding Kefir to my diet and that of my family as well as recommending it to clients. Why? Because of the Dairy. For 20 years we have avoided dairy products because of the health problems it was causing our family, which had resulted in asthma. Now I was actually considering adding it back into our diets but in its RAW form. The end product however was going to add a lot of health benefits and I was being slowly persuaded.  I choose raw cow’s milk rather than goats or sheep’s milk as it was easier to source locally. Yes I could have chosen water, or coconut milk but “my gut” was telling me to use cows milk despite everything I believed before and 2 months later this is how I have grown it and this is what I found….



As a colonic therapist I assist people to detox and cleanse old toxins and impacted waste from the colon. An even more important role is to replace the good bacteria that has been killed because of the toxic waste overload over the years. There are many probiotic supplements on the market and they are beneficial. However, if you replace the good flora in the gut with natural fermented foods, surely this is the way mother nature designed health to be. Since 75%-80% of our immune system is in our digestive tract, which makes it the focal point if you want to have great health. Hence the personal challenge to discover if Kefir would prove to be the most effective and cheap way of getting a healthy gut and boost the immune system.

What is Kefir?

Kefir is a living organism and can be grown as a fermented milk product (cow, goat or sheep milk) that tastes like a drinkable yogurt. You can also grow kefir on water, coconut milk or coconut water.

Kefir contains high levels of vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, biotin, folate, enzymes and PROBIOTICS..

Some of the beneifts.

  • Boost Immunity
  • Reduces Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Improves Bone Density
  • Fight Allergies
  • Improve Lactose Digestion
  • Eliminate Candida
  • Support Detoxification

Growing Kefir

A friend had been growing Kefir and said he would divide some of the culture if I wated to start using it. That was 2 months ago. Hence the process of growing this weird “cauliflower” substance in raw unpasteurised cows milk began.

I used all glass and plastic materials. No stainless steel or metal as this destroys the culture. I left it for 24hrs and strained the milk from the “cauliflower” like culture. I placed the culture back into the glass jar and covered it with milk and then closed the lid, but not tightly and set it in a dark cupboard. Then I stirred the thick liquid to leave a creamy yoghurt like mixture.


The kefir grains(“cauliflower”) can be replaced back into the jar and covered with the raw milk. The kefir can be left up to 2 days before straining. It allows the yoghurt to become more creamy.










The yoghurt can be added to smoothies, or chopped fruit, or eaten plain. I usually have berries, mango, apple, walnuts, golden linseeds, chia seeds and a cacao powder.

When I started using the Kefir I took it every other morning until my body got used to taking dairy again. I was quite amazed I had no side effects from taking the milk (don’t know what I was expecting!!!)  After an initial 2 weeks I began taking it every morning. I feel it has really helped my digestion, no bloating or discomfort which I would have experienced in the past from taking milk. The fermentation process changes the chemical composition of dairy products rendering it relatively low in lactose.  An enzyme, B-galactosidase  – which is essential to digest lactose – is present in the microbes in the fermented milk, according to researchers at Ohio State University who published their results in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Some bacterial cells die in the intestinal tract and release the enzymes that digest the lactose. It is suggested that microbes in kefir may be able to colonize the intestines and benefit health by shielding them from harmful disease-causing bacteria. So if you are lactose intolerant then add a little kefir into you diet to see how well you tolerate it.

Overall taking kefir has helped our whole family and I would recommend it as part of a balanced diet. It is a cheaper way of getting live bacteria into your digestive tract and relatively easy to look after.

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What’s behind emotional Eating

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FOOD MATTERS – Official Movie Trailer

Herbal Medicine

Sotiris  —  April 11, 2016 — Leave a comment

Herbal Medicine

“Let food be your Medicine and Medicine your Food” Hippocrates

What is herbal Medicine?

Herbal Medicine is the use of botanical extracts and plants in the treatment and prevention of illness. It is the oldest form of medicine known.



The use of herbal remedies may help restore the body’s balance, thus enabling it to mobilise its own healing powers. Specific herbs can tone, nourish and detoxify specific organs, organ systems and improve circulation, thus allowing waste products to be eliminated more effectively and increase the amount of healing into needed areas.

How does herbal medicine actually work?

All foods and plants (basically anything that grows) contain chemicals. And when you ingest plants, your body breaks the plant material down, using everything from saliva to digestive juices, and then your body assimilates these various chemicals.

One of the reasons that we eat food is, for our body to assimilate the phyto-chemical nutrients from the plant. Nutrients that sustain life, like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc. Without plant nutritional chemicals, we couldn’t survive.

Herbs are also foods, but usually people don’t consume them for food, as they taste stronger. Of course sometimes we do, like nettles, artichokes, dandelion, burdock, etc. These stronger tasting plants taste stronger because they have stronger chemicals in them. This is one way that nature protects us and tells us the difference between food and medicine–raspberries taste great, digitalis does not.

When we ingest these medicinal herbs, the same way as food, we breakdown the plant and assimilate the chemistry in the plant. But, with many herbs it is these stronger medicinal chemicals that we assimilate, instead of nutrients.

So when we consume medicinal herbs by just chewing them or using herbal teas, tablets, capsules or liquid extracts (like tinctures and tonics), instead of nutrition, we assimilate the medicinal plant chemicals or phyto-chemical medicines. Herbal medicine is basic chemistry.



Colonic Hydrotherapy

Sotiris  —  April 11, 2016 — Leave a comment

Colonic Hydrotherapy


All “dis – ease” in the body starts in the bowel

Good bowel management is a fundamental part of good health. If the “Boss” isn’t working properly then the whole body begins to shut down.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is the gentle introduction of warm water into the colon, to remove encrusted fecal matter, gas and mucus. After treatment vital nutrients can be absorbed more easily leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthier. Colonics may also help re-tone & reshape the colon.

Colon hydrotherapy involves the safe, gentle introduction of water into the colon via the rectum. No chemicals or drugs are involved. The treatment is both relaxing and effective. When the bowel is functioning properly then we are on the road to experiencing optimal health. However the colon tends to be the most neglected organ in the body resulting in the blood stream being overloaded with toxic waste, creating symptoms of tiredness, heaviness, bloating, etc

Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colonic Hydrotherapy


Can a colonic detox Your Body ?

Our modern diets tend to be loaded with animal proteins, processed food, fat, sugar, and wheat. Add to that stress and lack of exercise, then the colon becomes the dumping ground for accumulated waste and toxins which the body cannot eliminate effectively. The toxic material ends up re-entering our blood stream and getting deposited in our cells. As a result of this auto-intoxication we feel tired and sickly and we may become susceptible to disease.

Does it hurt?

For the majority who receive colonics, the procedure is pain free. There may be a little discomfort when the speculum is being inserted, but this only lasts for a few seconds. During the treatment, you may feel some cramping in the stomach and occasionally clients feel slightly nauseous, whenever toxic waste detaches from the intestinal walls and leaves the body, particularly if you have a clogged up colon.

Is it Safe?

Colon hydrotherapy is very safe when performed by a qualified therapist. We only use FDA approved medical devices for the procedure and all of the equipment used is sterilized or disposable and the water goes through an advanced filtration process prior to entering the colon. Our therapists are ARCH (Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists) trained and registered and meet the highest professional and ethical standards. You are in very safe hands.

What conditions could it help?

Colon hydrotherapy may assist the body with healing a variety of conditions: constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel, bloating, excessive gas, indigestion, allergies, candida overgrowth, skin problems, brittle nails and hair, abnormal body odour, unpleasant breath, backache, stiffness, arthritis, fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration and headaches.


What are the benefits?

The benefits of colonics can include increased energy, improved circulation, clearer skin & eyes, mental clarity, weight normalizing, better digestions, relief from bloating and heaviness. By removing the waste material from the colon, the process of detoxification is given a boost and the harmful bacteria that is produced by encrusted fecal matter is removed from the body. Colon hydrotherapy helps your immune system to help itself, by giving it a chance to breathe and allow the lymph system to effectively cleanse your body.

Can it destroy“friendly bacteria”?

Healthy intestinal flora are present throughout the small and large intestines and colon hydrotherapy helps to improve their habitat, facilitating their reproduction and multiplication.However the therapist may recommend to some clients that they take a course of Acidophilus after their treatment



What is the difference between an enema and a colonic?

An enema is the procedure of introducing liquids into the colon, causing a rapid expansion of the lower intestinal tract which results in a powerful peristalsis and evacuation. It can often result in uncomfortable bloating & cramping and put a strain on the anus possibly resulting in haemorrhoids. By contrast, colonics involves the gentle inflow and outflow or warm water that slowly dissolves accumulated toxic material and encourage release naturally, without any undue stress on your system.

Enemas only clean out the lower part of the colon, missing about four feet of the colon. To clean the entire colon, a colonic is necessary.

Will laxatives accomplish the same results?

Laxatives are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin, watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste.

Is it embarrassing?

No. There is no odour from the bowel movements as the system is “closed” and your dignity is always maintained with proper draping in a private room.

How many treatments do I need?

Every person is different and changes in our lives create different stresses, so there is no standard number of treatments that are recommended. It depends on your personal health objectives. Even though a person feels relief even after an initial session, it is necessary to take additional colonics to sufficiently cleanse the colon. We suggest you book a single treatment initially and discuss with your therapist during the consultation what their recommendations are. It is recommended that a course of 3 treatments over an initial 2-3 week period produces the best results with regular colonics every 4-6 months.

How should I prepare for the colonic?

We recommend that you refrain from eating at least two hours prior to your appointment and ensure that you are well hydrated. If possible, a diet of vegetables and grains 2-3 days in advance rather than heavy foods will help prepare your colon for the treatment. Do not drink alcohol 24 hours in advance.

What happens during a colonic?

The procedure starts with the client lying on a comfortable therapy table. The therapist gently inserts a small disposable speculum into the rectum. (We only use completely sterile, disposable tools during the procedure.) The therapy begins with a gentle flow of filtered water using light pressure to allow the colon to be cleaned. The faecal matter and toxins are released into the colon. The therapist monitors the water pressure to ensure a relaxing and healing treatment experience. There is no odour and it is like a gentle colon massage.

After some time the colon therapist will advise you to go into a private bathroom to release.

Will one colonic completely empty the colon?

Typically, one colonic will not completely empty the colon. Many of us have a considerable amount of impacted faeces in our colon. These are hardened, rubbery or wallpaper like material. Substantial work must be done to remove it. Moreover, there is a learning process that occurs when having a colonic. As you become more aware of what is going on in your abdomen, and as your body learns how to allow the cleansing experience, you are better able to enter into that process, and therefore more material is released. One colonic will move some of the stagnant waste in the colon. The second and subsequent colonics will remove more. How many you wish to have will depend on your personal objectives.

How will I feel afterwards?

Colonics have a “relieving” effect. There may well be a feeling of lightness and internal cleanliness. People are often energized following a colonic. Many clients have reported clearer skin. Once the colon has been thoroughly cleansed then diet, exercise and other health programs will become many times more effective. Make sure you drink plenty of liquids, avoid raw vegetables, reduce consumption of meats for a couple of days. Steamed vegetables, fruit and soups are recommended.

Will I have regular bowel movements after a colonic?

The most common post-colonic experience is to have a light delay in bowel movements and then the resumption of a somewhat larger, easier to move stool. Sometimes if the colon is weak and sluggish, there may be no bowel movement for several days following a colonic. However, this is not due to the colonic, but because of the weakness of the colon. Rarely is diarrhoea or loose bowels experienced. This may be due to the extra water introduced into the colon. If it should occur, it is usually of very short duration

What Doctors Don’t Tell You About Colon Hydrotherapy


Colon is the last part of the human digestive system. Its function is to extract water and salt from the material which is passed on to it from the small intestine. Subsequently, the material passes out of the human system as excreta. Keeping the colon clean is prevents many harmful medical conditions.

Colon hydrotherapy is also known as colonic irrigation. In this form of colon treatment, the colon is irrigated with water, by introducing it through the rectum.Colon hydrotherapy is an effective way of removing toxic waste without using medicines.

Conventional medicines which are prescribed by doctors worldwide have harmful side effects. This is a common knowledge. Sometimes these medicines contribute to gradual deterioration of the patient’s health, which is very unfortunate.

Some people have raised concerns about the safety of colon hydrotherapy.Colon hydrotherapy is absolutely safe. Many people who have undergone this treatment will vouch for this fact.

Colon hydrotherapy is not self administered treatment. It is conducted by expert therapists. They use filtered water. The water is administered at low pressure, thereby eliminating the danger of bowel perforation.

The equipment used for colon hydrotherapy are usually disposable. Some therapists use equipments which are approved by appropriate authorities. These equipment are sterilized.

Therapists adhere to certain standard operating procedures set by organizations like the ARCH. They would have passed practical and written exams. The institutions which train the therapists are audited by the authorities.

Even though colon hydrotherapy is safe, it should not be performed on people affected by certain medical conditions like diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, active infections, painful fissure and painful hemorrhoids.

Colon hydrotherapy should be performed only after the above mentioned medical conditions are healed. Otherwise there will be further harmful complications. Women should not undergo this treatment during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

People affected by severe abdominal hernias, congestive heart disease, severe hypertension, liver cirrhosis, severe anaemia, kidney disease and colo-rectal carcinoma should not undergo colon hydrotherapy.

Therapists usually examine a full case history before commencing the treatment. It is very important to get this treatment from a qualified therapist.

What Doctors Don’t Tell You About Colon Hydrotherapy

Natural Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis


Ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. It affects the lining of the large intestine and rectum. The goal of traditional treatment is to reduce the inflammation.

Drugs like Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), mesalamine (Asacol, Lialda, etc), balsalazide (Colazal), olsalazine (Dipentum), corticosteroids, azathioprine (Azasan, Imuran), mercaptopurine (Purinethol), cyclosporine (Gengraf, Neoral, Sandimmune), Infliximab (Remicade), antibiotics, anti-diarrheals and pain killers are used by doctors world wide to treat this medical condition.

Many of these medicines can cause side effects. In some cases they are just not effective. Here are some natural remedies that are found to be effective against this medical condition.

Boswellia Serrata is known as Shallaki in Sanskrit. This herb is very effective in reducing inflammation, and is being used extensively in Ayurveda (system of traditional medicine native toIndia) from thousands of years.

Omega – 3 fatty acids are effective in reducing inflammation in people suffering from ulcerative colitis. Research studies found that omega – 3 fatty acids reduced corticosteroid requirements. Flax seeds, walnuts and soybeans are rich in omega – 3 fatty acids.

Acupuncture provides relaxation for patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. However, the positive effects can be noticed only after some sessions. Acupuncture promotes a sense of well being, but will not cure the medical condition.

Aloe vera is well known for its anti inflammatory and soothing properties. It aids in relieving the symptoms of this medical condition. Aloe vera gel is found to be effective in treating mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis.

Turmeric contains a compound named curcumin. This compound is found to be effective in improving symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Yoga is very effective against ulcerative colitis. Many yoga programs are designed for patients affected by this medical condition. Boat post, plank post, side plank pose, twisting prayer lunge, cat-cow stretch, cobra pose, eagle pose and chair pose help you stretch and tone the stomach muscles, thereby strengthening the lining of the digestive organs.

While trying alternative remedies for ulcerative colitis, it is very important to observe their effects on your body. If you find worsening of symptoms, you need to visit your physician without delay.

Natural Remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

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